

Everyone get ready! It’s going to be trunk or treat night downtown around the square in Cordell on Tuesday October 31st. Just load up your treats and come to the square.


Everyone get ready, it is going to be Trick or Treat night in Downtown Cordell on Tuesday Oct. 31st.



By Zetta Penner

Time to get excited! It’s Pumpkin Festival Day in Cordell on Saturday Oct. 14th starting a 8 a.m. with the baking contest registration. Judging will be at 9 a.m.


One of the special things our Chamber of Commerce is having at the Pumpkin Festival is the OBI Blood Mobile blood drive. They will be set up on the North side of the Pocket Park.


The First Baptist Church in Cordell has a wonderful youth and kids’ program at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.


Thank you to everyone that has commented on my FYI article. As I told everyone, “Tell it to the Editor!” She is the boss of the Beacon.

Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline To Offer Eight Weeks of Free Nicotine Gum, Patches or Lozenges to Assist in Quitting

The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, a program of the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET), is offering Oklahomans who want to quit tobacco a special opportunity. Throughout September, Oklahomans who sign up for the Helpline will get at least eight weeks of patches, gum or lozenges for free. This limited-time offer of extra nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) ends Sept. 30.

Financial Focus

It’s probably not on your calendar, but September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. And that means it’s a good time to become more aware of the benefits of having life insurance — and the dangers of not having it.


What a great weekend for the citizens of Washita County. The Fair was a huge success.


During August, our Village residents have got lots of welcome attention from members of the First Baptist Church. Hamburgers, homemade ice cream, bible studies, singing, evening worship services and lots of visits were enjoyed by one and all. A chore that is regularly shared by every home is the laundry day. Around here, this is a weekly routine. I once told my wife that if she would take care of the cooking I would take care of the laundry, never expecting that I would still be around to do it after ten years. Laundry is more of a pleasant experience when all of the machines work as they should. There are nine washer/dryer sets available for forty-plus apartments. Now we’ve been informed that nonworking machines will not be replaced. We hope that this decision might receive some reconsideration. For years, residents have been voluntarily paying a five-dollar fee each month per apartment to offset the cost of repair and replacement for machines. Only two have been replaced in several years. We pray that the fees received will be used as designated. Tuesday afternoons are set aside for a devotional bible study and singing time in the big room. It is usually led by pastors from the local ministerial alliance. Another assembly that will draw a good group is an individual or a group that comes to sing for our residents. This past week the county fair generated some residential interest. The women’s exhibit building was crammed full of interesting displays. Betty showed a number of entries and brought home several ribbons. I’ll bet she would be proud to show them if you asked.