From The Editor Let’s End ‘The War On Christmas’


It seems we go through this every year, with people arguing about the political correctness of saying “Merry Christmas” as opposed to “Happy Holidays,” and I have to say, it’s getting really old and beyond ridiculous.

I have no idea from whence this nonsense sprang, nor do I really care. What I do care about is the fact that we should be smarter than this.

Personally, I don’t care if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays (there are several holidays celebrated during this season) or a Happy Hannukah or Joyous Kwanzaa or whatever. I tend to give most people the benefit of the doubt and assume they’re wishing me joy in a way that means something to them, and I appreciate them for it.

Perhaps it’s time for us all to act like open-minded and friendly adults and not worry about the wording of the wish, but to take it in the manner it’s intended and enjoy the spirit of the season.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Bob Henline is managing editor of The Cordell Beacon.