Modern Homemakers OHCE July Meeting


Modern Homemakers met at the OSU Extension Center in Cordell at 6:30 p.m. on July 8, 2019.

Crystal Webb was hostess and served hame and cheese sliders and a delicious lemon cream pie for dessert.

President Paula Stafford called the meeting to order with members saluting the flag. Paula recited the song Grand Ole Flag. Karen Wedel gave the devotional about the beauty of a woman.

Paula Stafford called roll by asking members to name an item they have been working on to enter in the Washita County Free Fair. Those in attendance were Louise Taylor, Karen Turner, Paula Stafford, Becky Sander, Karen Wedel, Becky Snow, Brenda Bonham, Vickie Foster, and Crystal Webb.

Secretary Becky Sander read the previous month’s meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read with correction.

Karen Turner gave the treasurer’s report.

Becky Snow read the parliamentarian point that the president announce all business in the proper order.

Crystal Webb presented the program with handouts. Members also discussed what they would be making and taking to the Washita County Free Fair to make the club exhibit.

The cultural arts items were presented by Becky Snow, who showed photographs of her daughter and family meeting up with her granddaughter on a European tour of Italy, France, Germany, the Swiss Alps, and England.

Karen Turner showed club members her silver and leather bracelet she purchased in Fort Collins, Colo., on a recent trip.

The next month’s meeting will be at the home of Karen Turner at 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 5, 2019.