Local Business Stands the Test of Time

  • Owner Terry Patton and his long-time Office Manager Sarah Foust have dedicated over three decades of their lives to their customers in Cordell and surrounding areas. The hallmark of Patton’s business is a dedication to customer service, and that has allowed Cordell TV and Appliance to grow from a small start on East Main, then on to a bigger building on College Street and now to the store today on Market Street, which carries a large inventory of appliances and furniture.
    Owner Terry Patton and his long-time Office Manager Sarah Foust have dedicated over three decades of their lives to their customers in Cordell and surrounding areas. The hallmark of Patton’s business is a dedication to customer service, and that has allowed Cordell TV and Appliance to grow from a small start on East Main, then on to a bigger building on College Street and now to the store today on Market Street, which carries a large inventory of appliances and furniture.

Cordell TV and Appliance has been in business nearly 32 years and the office manager says she’s been there since day one.

Sarah Foust says she’s been there since owner Terry Patton opened the store and this November will mark 32 years for the local business.

She says that through the Pandemic, “We’ve been busy. Business has been absolutely fantastic,” she noted, describing COVID-19 as “such a tragic thing. We’ve been very blessed and we’ve been trying to take care of our town and the towns surrounding us.”

Foust said, “Sales have been really good and service has been really busy. Overall business has been very, very good,” she added.

She said, “We do lots of business in Kiowa, Washita and Custer Counties. We have four full-time employees, and two part-time employees.”

Asked about what products they have sold the most of recently during the Pandemic, Foust replied, “Probably ranges, washers, dryers and refrigerators.”

She said, “We sell home appliances, bedding and furniture that includes recliners.”

She indicated that at the outset of when COVID began that a lot of people were staying home and doing their own cooking.

Foust pointed out, “We probably sell as much in Kiowa County, in Hobart and the surrounding areas as anywhere.”

She said store hours are 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday.

“Terry does all the service work and I do all the office work,” she explained, “including sales, ordering and everything. We have two delivery people and I have parttime office help. We have another part-time person who helps Terry.”

Foust emphasized, “We appreciate our customers very, very much.”