Cloud Chief HCE July Meeting Notes


The Cloud Chief HCE met July 8, 2019, at the Cloud Chief Community Center for their monthly meeting.

The flag salute opened the meeting. The group sang “Take Me Out To The Ole Fairgrounds.” The thought for the day was “God give me the serenity to change things we can and wisdom to know the difference.”

The lesson on fair judging standards was presented by Rhonda Duerksen. Several fair items were shown and explained what the judges were looking for. Handouts on judging standards were passed out to all.

It was reported that five members and one guest attended the leaders training for the July lesson.

Cultural arts were flower ink pens in a vase and embroidered tea towels.

Attending were Clara Nicholson, Byrdena Cook, Virginia Walker, Joy Franz, and Rhonda Duerksen.