Cordell Memorial Hospital


A Message from Melinda Laird, CEO/CNO

  • Cordell Memorial Hospita
    Cordell Memorial Hospita

March is here and we are roaring in like a lion, I hope the weather doesn’t roar to much.

Things at CMH are busy as we continue to serve those in need from Washita County and those from Clinton, Custer County. There has been a significant increase in our Emergency Room visits and Outpatient visits and we have increased our staffing to help accommodate the increase activity. I will also add that this has provided a great opportunity to share the many services that are offered at CMH.

The CMH Wound Care Center began in February and we have been off to a great start in advancing the healing of wounds. If you should have a wound that is not healing please contact us to help you care for your wound and put you on the path for healing.

We will be adding a new system for medication administration during the month of March. It is a system that provides technology with advanced safety in the process of providing patients their medication. This is a technology that has been around for a period of time and we are fortunate in updating our process with the latest in technology.

The Washita County Health Fair on March 31-April 1, please mark your calendars and come to share in the fun. March 31 will be a full day at CMH for specific testing and education then on Saturday, April 1 we will be at the Washita Activity Center with many of the same activities as last year, kids fun run, cooking demonstrations and possibly an adult run.

Please mark your calendars for the Washita County Health Fair.

I want to acknowledge and thank the staff at CMH for the tremendous job they have been doing before and during this change in our patient visits and increased volume. They are loyal to the patients and committed to our community to be the One Great Team Caring for YOU!!!> Please keep your eye on our Facebook page for more news and information about happenings at CMH.

Please let us know of anything we can do for you, please call 580-832-36339.

For your health and wellness,
