Letter to the Editor


Editor’s Note: I have recently received several letters that were submitted anonymously. It is against our policy to publish a letter to the Editor where the author’s name is not given. If you would like to see your letter printed, please include your name.

To the Editor and to whom it may concern, It has been brought to my attention an extremely high number of cameras has been installed in Cordell schools. In the last board meeting it was stated they need an additional camera in a locationwhere occasional scuffles between students take place. Do they really need to cover every single area ofthe school? When they have all the cameras they feel they need, who will monitor the videos, and willthey be available to be seen by all individuals who feel they have been wronged? Are the cameras present to protect employees and students from intruders and to witness scuffles, or are they there fo rsurveillance by the superintendent, of the teachers and students? Have teachers who wanted a copy of the video where they thought they were treated unfairly, been able to receive the video?

Has anybody read George Orwell’s “1984,” that was printed in 1949? Very briefly, it was a story about the future with video cameras to watch every move of the citizens. A one-party system with the 3 slogans of the party; War is Peace, Freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. Well, we live in a free country, where we pay taxes to support our school system. The board members should be available to listen to taxpayers and take action on problems in the school that need attention. They should not listen, then ignore, and go on as “their” agenda dictates.

Teachers need a responsible administration to listen to their concerns and be willing to make improvements in the policies, without threat of being terminated for questioning the administrators’policies. The teachers and students are the backbone of the school system, not the administration or school board. If teachers are not allowed to give input to the operation of the school it will continue todeteriorate, and more teachers and students will be leaving. The result will also cause great damage tothe town of Cordell. We have already had a “mass exodus” of excellent teachers and students from Cordell. For example, they have gone to Lookeba-sickles, Weatherford, Fort Cobb, Binger-Oney, Clinton, Elk City, Burns Flat, and Sentinel. These surrounding school systems are grinning from ear to ear from their gain and Cordell’s loss, and it is due to the terrible decisions of the past and present school administration and school board members.

It seems the school board refuses to listen to teachers and citizens of the school district with any intention of making improvements. They have their own agenda and do not believe any citizen or teacher has any positive advice that should be considered. The school board has just rehired Mr. Victory.The only way to change the administration is to change the school board. One board member will for sure be replaced and YOU the voters of Cordell school district have a chance to remove another board member from office. Sports programs are very important to the success of a small school. We should let this be known to the school board and vote the incumbent out of office. Noone can tell you how tovote, but please vote for the improvement of our school.

Board seat #3 has two candidates, Parker Christian and Cole Gregg. Seat #4 has incumbent Levi Jones, running against Danielle Dick Ivey. Please exercise your right to vote and make your vote count.The general election is this coming Tuesday, April 2nd. Early voting is this Thursday and Friday, March 28th and 29th at the election board office. We must improve the teaching and learning environment of our school district.

Sincerely,Jerry Willard