Letter to the Editor


To the editor and whom it may concern, I highly recommend that everyone who is registered to vote, votes Tuesday, February 13th. Teachers, staff, and everyone with a vested interest in the learning environment, teaching environment, and overall welfare of the Cordell school system need to make their vote heard.

To the teachers and families of teachers: Your vote is private and you should not be told how to vote. Your vote cannot be held against you. No one can silence your vote. Be sure to vote and get your friends and family to vote.

If you live in the school district, and are registered to vote, the Cordell school system needs your support.

It is my opinion that there is a problem when the current school board ALWAYS votes unanimously for or against a motion. I also believe the vote to rehire the superintendent should have been tabled, until they had a chance to hear from the public. Since they are not listening to the teachers or the public, I think all the school board members need to be replaced when their terms expire.

Again, I urge each and every registered voter in the school district to be sure and vote on Tuesday, February 13th, for the candidate of their choice.

Jerry Willard Cordell, OK