  • F.Y.I.

The Chamber of Commerce is going to have Bingo Night at 6 pm at the Washita Theatre on March 7th. The charge is 50 cents a card.

Congratulations to the Blue Devil Band. They received a Superior rating and are going to State. They make Cordell proud!!

Are you hungry for fish? The Cordell Sr. Center is servicng fish on Thrusday March 7 from 11:30 a.m. til 12:30 p.m. For $7 you will be served fish, beans, hushpuppies, cole slaw and banana pudding. Come on down and try it out! (Great Meal!)

The Chamber is planning a wonderful day for everyone on March 30th at the Cordell City Park from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mark this day to come to Cordell and celebrate Easter with Easter Egg Hunts, games, food trucks, and a lot to be a part of.

Remember the Easter Community Cantata to be at the United Methodist Church on Sunday, March 24th at 5 p.m. Everyonje is invited. There will be a social after the singing program.

Let’s make March a wonderful month for Cordell!