
Congratulations are due to a devastatingly talented young girl. Preslie Dickerson of Bessie, Oklahoma, has definitely left her mark in youth wrestling. This past week, April 4-7, Dickerson traveled to Reno, Nevada, where she would finally show her hand in her determination and the amount of hard work and sacrifice she has given to this sport. Dickerson won four matches to advance to the finals and lost the final fifth match in overtime. The opponents she defeated ranged from all over, such as Reno, NV, winning by a 0.30-second pin; San Juan, CA, winning by a minute and 16-second pin; Kalispell, MT, winning by a 0.36-second pin; Bakersfield, CA, winning by decision 2-0, and lastly Cottage Grove, OR, losing in overtime. Despite her single loss, Dickerson secured 2nd Place while making the World All-Stars First Team and is ranked number one in the nation.

She completed her Girls 6U division season with a record of 50 wins and a single loss, and her overall season record was 103 wins with only five losses in both boys’ and girls’ wrestling, taking girl power to a whole new level.